Friday, 27 December 2013
Christmas Holidays!
Over the Christmas holidays I will continue editing my trailer and film the last few shots I will need. I will also be doing a few video posts to talk about what I have done so far and what I am planning to do. My trailer should hopefully be complete soon.
Monday, 16 December 2013
Filming and Editing
On Friday night I shot more footage for my horror trailer, i have spent the past lessons adding in onto iMovie and editing. I will soon post a few shots onto my blog and get audience feedback.
Thursday, 12 December 2013
More Editing
Today I am putting more footage onto iMovie and editing the new clips. I am also going to look into what music i will play over what clips etc. I have recently tried playing a Mozart piece over the top of certain clips and I am unsure whether to keep it that way or not so I am going to try out other music pieces too.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Editing and Ideas
I was editing yesterday and messing around with different orders in which the clips could go in. I tried various different methods such as starting with a fast pace and then slowing it down again before the climax as it comes to a close, I also tried starting with a slower pace and then building it up gradually. I am not sure which method I will use but there are still some clips I need to shoot, once I have done that I will put it all together and decide which one looks better and has the most frightening impact.
As I was editing I came up with some new ideas, this was because as i was watching the trailer when it was put together, i could see what was missing and what needed to be added so I started making a list as I was watching it so i could remember everything that needs to be added. I am taking the camera out again on Thursday to shoot what needs to be done.
Monday, 9 December 2013
Kimberly Pierce
Last week I finally got to see the greatly anticipated Carrie in the cinema. It lived up to my high expectations. Kimberly Pierce wanted to modernise the remake, she done this by changing slight features of the films such as adding in a mobile phone to video Carrie in her humiliating shower scene.
Pierce makes much more of the telekinesis that De Palma did, carrie practices her skills more often and puts them to an even more horrifying use at the films climax.
Pierce makes much more of the telekinesis that De Palma did, carrie practices her skills more often and puts them to an even more horrifying use at the films climax.
Magazine cover progress- Prezi
This lesson I will be creating a prezi on the progress of producing my magazine cover for my horror film. I have posted each cover and the progress already but in this prezi I will be explaining why I have changed certain features of the cover.
Monday, 2 December 2013
Monday, 25 November 2013
Monday, 18 November 2013
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Editing and Questionnaire
I will soon be posting parts of my trailer that I have filmed and I am going to ask my target audience questions to see what features work better than others before I film more scenes.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Magazine cover progress
Here is a image of the first stages of producing my magazine cover for a film magazine which includes my horror trailer.
Front cover of magazine- ancillary
This lesson I have started the cover of a magazine which is advertising my trailer, I am looking at the covers of Empire magazine which are about horror films, this is so I can see the typical conventions and colour schemes used. Empire magazine will be my style model.
Monday, 4 November 2013
German Expressionism
German Expressionism was a creative movement in the 1920s in Germany before WW1. The economic misfortune meant that filmmakers found it hard to create films which could compare with the extravagant Hollywood releases. German filmmakers used their own creativity to come up with their own style of filming which involved symbolism and the use of Mis-en-scene to add mood and atmosphere to the film. The first expressionist films were made up of their low budgets by using set designs and wildly non-realistic geometrically absurd sets, along with designs painted on walls and floors to represent lights, shadows and objects. The plots and stories of the expressionist films often dealt with madness, insanity, betrayal and other intellectual topics. Horror films were especially influenced by expressionism.
The use of shadows meant that the film could have a deeper meaning, the shadows represented mysteries, this is one of the conventions of a slasher film. This technique has been used in many famous fims such as Psycho when Norman Bates' blurred image is seen from behind the shower curtain.
The use of shadows meant that the film could have a deeper meaning, the shadows represented mysteries, this is one of the conventions of a slasher film. This technique has been used in many famous fims such as Psycho when Norman Bates' blurred image is seen from behind the shower curtain.
Monday, 28 October 2013
I've broke up for a week from school, I have brought the camera with me and I am planning on filming over the week. As it is Halloween I will also be watching scary films, I am going to analyse the editing etc so I can pick up on the typical camera angles used as they have a massive impact on how scary the film/trailer is as you can put the audience in the characters shoes by using POV shots and you can also suggest that they are being watched. Camera angles makes you able to make the character appear small by using high angles and you can make them look bigger and more dominant by using low angles.
Monday, 21 October 2013
I have been looking at the behind the scenes footage for the 2013 remake of Carrie. I am very interested in this film as it is a horror but it is also psychological which makes it the same genre as my trailer. I have got some ideas of some shots to film also, I am going to film some of my trailer tonight. It will be the scene in which the victim realises that her boyfriend is evil, however, as this is just the trailer, it will not be revealed that it is her boyfriend, it will remain unknown that he has multiple personality disorder.
He is the trailer for Carrie, I am a fan of Kimberly Pierce and her way of directing.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Comparing Different Genre Trailers
I have been looking at trailers for comedy films and comparing them to the trailers in the genre of horror, this is so I can compare them and see the difference between them. The music for comedy trailers are more upbeat and cheerful, the music used has a huge effect of the trailer, on horror trailers it is usually slow and deep, it suggests darkness. The colour schemes in horror are also a lot darker than they are in any other genre of film. The editing in horror trailers has a massive impact on how scary it is, they usually start slowly and then speed up and each shot used is very short. Whereas in comedy trailers the pace is steady and is the same all the way through. I have looked at comedy as it is the complete opposite to horror and I want to make sure that I use all the correct conventions for horror.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Poster editing
This is another improved version of my poster. I have edited the font by adding effects and I have also taken out the names of the actors and changed the position of the slogan.
Poster Progress
I will soon put the shots that I have filmed onto the computer so I can edit them. I have quite a lot of shots but I will need to pick the best ones and edit them. I wanted to have a lot of shots as in every horror trailer that I have seen the pace is very quick and it jumps from shot to shot so there has to be a lot.
Tonight I will be going to my cousin's house as she has and can play the piano, I will film the victim in the house and then the piano will start playing, the victim will then go to see who is there but when she gets there, nobody is playing and the music has stopped. My cousin has a very big house so which includes a loft so I think it will be a good location to film parts of my trailer.
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Poster Progress
This is the progress I have made on my poster. I decided to call the film 'Derangement' as it means insanity. However, I need to take my own photo of the person at the window im just using that for the minute until i have my own.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Poster ideas
I liked the dark sky on the backgroud of this poster, that is why I have also used that, I think it gives a great effect and is typically used in horror films as the bad weather is pathetic fallacy. However, I will need to go out and take a photo of the sky as the one I am currently using is from the internet.
Monday, 7 October 2013
Poster Progress
I have been looking at different effects for my poster and I found that this one would have the biggest effect as I find that when the audience can't see the villain's face it makes them more intimdating and it also keeps up suspense because you dont can't see who it is. However, I wasnt sure what to do about the other side of the poster so I have changed the design.
Starting a poster
This lesson I am going to begin to create the poster for my trailer as I took photos of the characters. I m not 100% sure on what I am going to do on my poster but I will use the stereotypical conventions such as the dark colours. I will post my progress.
Monday, 30 September 2013
6 Souls poster

This afternoon I am going to being taking photos for my poster, I am going to have Andy and Liam in the poster and I am going to try and use hints that they are the same person but I am not going to make it clear in the poster because it would ruin the actual film. I am now going to do some research on other horror posters.
Over the weekend I shot some scenes in my house whilst walking around with the camera, I filmed the ornament spinning around slowly while it played music, I also shot a scene in which I started upstairs and then the music started playing, I then slowly walk down the stairs which were creaking to make it creepier, I then faced the front door before going into the living room and seeing the ornament surrounded by candles in a dark room, this is all from the victims point of view. I also filmed from outside my house so it is the villains point of view, I filmed from the front of my house and also from the back to show that the villain has been watching her. When i filmed from the back of the house I walked towards the door and grabbed the handle, this is showing that the villain is going into the house. When i filmed from the front, the living room light turned off and I zoomed into the window, this shows that the villain is looking for any movement by the victim. I then filmed from the victims point of view again as I done a shot from inside the house, looking out the window,
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
I have been producing a storyboard today and I have changed the order of the scenes to make the trailer easier to shoot. It will start with Liam standing at a grave, the audience wont know whose grave it is, it will then go back in time to show what has happened, this will be the scene that Olivia will get killed, however, I will not actually film it, there will be screaming and banging but I wont show it, I will film the ornament that plays music, this will hopefully make it creepy, I am going to film the ornament tonight to make sure it will be ok to use.
Monday, 23 September 2013
Insidious 2 Trailer
I would like to use the same stucture for my horror trailer as the Insidious 2 trailer. I have wanted to use a childs toy that plays music to feature in my trailer as this is a typical convention of horror and is very creepy, I dont have a toy but I have came across an ornament of a women playing the piano, this plays music and it sounds like a childs toy so I am going to use this in my trailer. I will soon go out and film the ornament as I am thinking about either using it as the first shot or using it when the victim is being killed and not actually showing the murder.
S - 560 x 315 px M - 800 x 450 px L - 1280 x 720 px
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Location Scouting
I have recently been out taking photos of places which I think would be good places to shoot some of my horror trailer, I will post the photos soon. I have also found a china ornament which has music playing as it spins around, the music which it plays can be made creepy in the context it will be in and this is a typical convention of horror.
Monday, 16 September 2013
Poster Analysis
Horror posters from EmHall
This is a presentation I produced when we started this project, I thought I had already posted it, sorry for the delay.
This is a presentation I produced when we started this project, I thought I had already posted it, sorry for the delay.
New Plot
Last night I changed the plot of my work. The villain will be the victims boyfriend, however he will have a split personality, one personality will be friendly and kind, but the other stalks his girlfriend and this is the personailty that murders her. I will show this by using two different characters. My friend Liam will be the friendly personality, he grieves his girlfriends death as he cant remember killing her. My friend Andy will be the personality that is the villain, when I show that he is stalking his girlfriend it will be Andy who I am filming to show that it isnt the same mindset as his other personality.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Monday, 9 September 2013
Plot update
Today I thought that instead of just having a typical horror story of being haunted I would make a twist which is that the murderer isn't actually being haunted but the guilt he feels makes him believe he is as he is seeing the young girl everywhere and feels her in his presence, this is just a quick update, I am currently producing a more in depth presentation on horror trailers. I will post it soon.
Location scouting
Today I spoke to my teacher about how I would like to shoot some of my trailer at Wallington Hall as it is a grand house and how it reminds me very much of Harry Potter. As it is an old house I think it would be a creepy location and will improve my trailer. I plan to email them to see if I am allowed to film there as I am unsure due to it being the national trust. I also spoke to my teacher about filming in the Newcastle library as there is a spiral staircase. I will go and see if it is a good place to film as I have never been to that library before, if I think it will be a good place to film then I will also ask if I can shoot some footage there too.
More trailer reviews
Its the first day of the new year at school and I am currently working on a powerpoint reviewing more horror trailers, ones in which are similar to what I would like to produce. I will post it soon!
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Ive been doing some research on horror films and trailers and i came across Todorov's Narrative Theory. Izeta Todorov was a Bulgarian structuralist linguist publishing influential work on narrative from the 1960s onwards. He suggested that stories begin with an equilibrium or status quo where any potentially opposing forces are in balance. This is then disrupted by some event, setting in chain a series of events. Problems are solved so that order can be restored.
Todorov suggested that conventional narratives are structured in five stages:
- A state of equilibrium at the outset.
- A disruption of the equilibrium by some action.
- A recognition that there has been a disruption.
- An attempt to repair the disruption.
- A reinstatement of the equilibrium.
This type of narrative structure is very familiar to us and can be applied to many 'mainstream' film narractives.
I also came across Propps theory. Propp was a Russian critic, he was interested in the narrative of folk tales. He noiced that often many Folk tales were similar in a variety of areas, he identified a theory about characters and actions as narrative functions. According to Vladimir Propp, characters have a narrative function; they provide a structure for the text.
The typical characters he found were:
-The Hero- a character that seeks something.
-The Villain- who opposes or actively blocks the heros quest.
-The Donor- who provides an object with magical properties.
-The Dispatcher- who sends the hero on his/her quest via a message.
-The False Hero- who disrupts the hero's success by making false claims.
-The Helper- who aids the hero.
-Her Father- who acts to reward the hero for his effort.
In a struggle scene Propp suggested this theory:
- There is a struggle between the hero and the villain.
- The hero is branded.
- The villain is overcome.
- The state of disorder is settled.
And the recognition scene:
- At this stage in the film the hero is recognised.
- or the false hero or villain is unmasked.
-As well as the false hero could be punished in this scene.
- Or the hero attains the reward and they live happily ever after.
Soundtrack Ideas
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Plan and Ideas- First Draft
Horror Trailer- Plan/Ideas
Plot So Far
I plan to film some of my trailer at the River Tyne and also the sea as
Andy, who is going to play the murderer in the trailer kills Olivia and leaves
her in the water, she will then come back to get revenge on him by haunting
him. The police have been searching for Andy for years as this is not his first
murder, Olivia leaves notes etc for Andy to find, trying to make him feel
guilty enough to turn himself in. However, Andy refuses to turn himself in.
Locations So Far
The factories near the river
The River Tyne
South Shields Beach
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Filming My Trailer
Over the summer i have seen certain places that i can film my trailer, as i have chosen to do a horror trailer i will be filming later in the day as i want it to be dark. A few of my friends are happy to help and be in my trailer, in fact, we are all pretty excited to film it now, as i have a clearer idea of what i want the story to be. My friends Andy and Olivia are going to be the two main people in the trailer, we are going to go to the beach and film near the see as Andy is the bad guy and kills Olivia and leaves her in the sea, as the trailer goes on the audience will see that its a paranormal horror as Olivia will haunt Andy. This is only the outline of the story i am hoping to do and hopefully i can expand on it.
Monday, 2 September 2013
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Cragside Hall
Last week i visited Cragside Hall with some of my family, it was a very beautiful place but i also thought it would be a great place to film some of my horror trailer, however, it is quite far away and im also unsure whether they would allow me to film there. Anyway, i took lots of photos whilst i was there and here are some-
Monday, 15 July 2013
Today i will pick a few horror trailers in which i want to style my project on. I think one of them will be The Ring Two because it has the typical conventions of a trailer in the genre of horror. Would You Rather is another trailer that follows the typical conventions of horror.
I have seen The Ring Two so i can see how the trailer shows the main points and the scariest parts of the film to attract an audience, however, i havent seen Would you Rather so i can watch that and see which parts would make me want to see the film and hopefully i can do that in my work.
I have seen The Ring Two so i can see how the trailer shows the main points and the scariest parts of the film to attract an audience, however, i havent seen Would you Rather so i can watch that and see which parts would make me want to see the film and hopefully i can do that in my work.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Original Photos
Today im taking a camera out to the River Tyne near Heworth and an underpass. I am going to take photos of where i want to set my trailer. I will post the photos soon.
I have slight ideas of what can be the story behind my trailer but i think that i will get a clearer idea of what i can do whilst i am looking at the different locations.
I have slight ideas of what can be the story behind my trailer but i think that i will get a clearer idea of what i can do whilst i am looking at the different locations.
Monday, 8 July 2013
More locations
Ideas for my horror trailer
Here is a shot of where i would like to film part of my trailer. |
This is another shot of where id like to film. |
Monday, 1 July 2013
The Ring Two
Over the weekend i bought The Ring Two, i am now going to watch the trailer for it and analyse it. I will post the analysis soon.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Analysing horror trailers
This lesson i have created a powerpoint on past work and how i can use them to help get ideas for my own piece and what different techniques i can use. I am now looking at trailers for films such as Would You Rather, House At The End Of The Street, Prom Night, Hide and Seek etc. I am looking at some trailers which i have not seen the film so i dont already know what it is about, but i am also looking at trailers where i have seen the film and seeing which parts they have picked from the film to make the trailer. On the trailers i have watched so far, they all start slowly and the pace speeds up to build tention, there are also very quick shots.
I have also looked at the trailer for the documentary Salinger and even that is using the typical conventions of a horror trailer, such as voice overs etc to make it sound exciting.
I have also looked at the trailer for the documentary Salinger and even that is using the typical conventions of a horror trailer, such as voice overs etc to make it sound exciting.
Monday, 24 June 2013
Horror conventions
I have been looking at different horror trailers and found the conventional techniques used are things such as the length of the shots, they are genrally short to build a dramatic effect. The colour palette is also usually dark, as is the lighting. They are normally set in an isolated place, often places with a history of strange events.
There are different camera angles used such as point of view shots, this type of shot is used often as it involves the audience. There is also a lot of handheld camera work as this also involves the audience.
The sound effects in horror trailers have a huge impact as they set the mood, sound genrally builds up towards the end of the trailer to create tension.
The editing of a horror trailer also has a big impact as it allows you to speed things up, slow it down, change the colour etc.
There are different camera angles used such as point of view shots, this type of shot is used often as it involves the audience. There is also a lot of handheld camera work as this also involves the audience.
The sound effects in horror trailers have a huge impact as they set the mood, sound genrally builds up towards the end of the trailer to create tension.
The editing of a horror trailer also has a big impact as it allows you to speed things up, slow it down, change the colour etc.
This is the chase sequence we filmed, i think we could of improved it with different editing but it was our first attempt. If we had a little longer to edit i think it would have been better because we ended up rushing at cutting the best parts out of each shot and putting them together for the final sequence.
Ideas for my piece
For A2 i plan to film a horror trailer as i watch a lot of horror films and i think its the genre i will be best at. This lesson i will look at past work and analyse them, i will make sure to look at at least one horror trailer so i can see how past years have done it and what i think are good techniques to use and what are not.
Watching the chase sequence
In Wednesdays lesson both groups put out chase sequence onto a memory stick and put it on the projector so the rest of the class could watch it. I think our sequence would have been better if we had more time for editing as we could have added music etc. The other groups piece was well put together.
Monday, 17 June 2013
We spent last lesson editing the footage we had shot for the chase. This was the first time i have edited footage i have took so we worked as a group because some people were more experienced in working on the computer programme. We tried various different techniques to see what made it look realistic, we took several shots of the scene and cut the best parts out of each and merged them together.
Monday, 10 June 2013
Preliminary Task
Today we were practising using the equipment for moving image. We got a told how to use the cameras and how to change the settings on them etc, we had to film a chase so we asked a few people who had free lessons to help and be involved. We filmed it in amongst the trees behind the school and made it quite scary as Steven hid behind a tree and then began to chase Rebecca. We made it seem as if Rebecca knocked the camera over as she ran and then Steven picked the camera up and filmed himself chasing her. I will post the sequence soon.
Monday, 13 May 2013
Preliminary task
Thursday, 9 May 2013
This is my new final contents page. I have changed the the length of one of the boxes, changed the side in which the page numbers are, took away certain effects and also added more writing on the bottom.
This is my new final feature article, i have changed the layout and the article, i think it look a lot better and more authentic. I am much happier with this.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Front cover changes
I have changed the text on my front cover from "Smashes America" to "Back in the studio" as i have changed my feature article.
New article, final changes
I am changeing my feature article as the first one i had done was weak, and when tralking to target audiences i got some ideas on what i should change. I am keeping the same photo of Liam, however i have changed the layout so it its bigger. This is my progress so far.
Friday, 3 May 2013
Long Weekend
We are off school on Monday which means that i miss three lessons of media so i will make sure to do some over the weekend. I will finish my evaluation and revise for my exam.
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
This is my final contents page. I have improved it by moving the images and adding another one, this is because my style model has a busy contents page and before i changed this, mine was quite plain so i needed to add more. I have also put boxes and glows around the photos so they stand out more.
I have created a questionaire to hand out to people who fit the target audience for my magazine. I used the feedback i got to change certain things about it and also to get an idea of the parts of the magazine which they like. Most people liked the front cover the best so i have not changed much on that, others liked the contents, however, the feature article was the weakest part of my magazine so i am planning to change the layout.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
This is my contents page, however, i would like to add more in my free time so i can get a higher grade.
Improved article
This is my final article put i need to edit around the photo of Jen more because when i put it full size it looks a little messy.
This is my improved final article as i have added another picture of Jennifer as she in also in the article. When i only had one image of Liam in my article, it didnt look authentic and it looked too plain, using Jen has made it look more realistic.
Article part 1
This is the first part of my final article, i have give some background information and then an interview. I will post the nex page on my next post.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
contents page
I have changed the layout of my contents page so it looks less messy. I have set it out all in blocks rather than scattered all over the page. I have changed the two photos i used and i think it looks far better and will hopefully get me a better grade. Im going to spend this lesson looking through my photos i have took to see what i can use for my feature article, i took a few new photos so i will try them on photoshop and see which one looks the most authentic.
Monday, 22 April 2013
After Wednesdays lesson, i took photos of Jen for my feature article and contents page. She was holding a guitar in some images. I took a few photos when she wasnt expecting it and they are actually better than some of the posed ones. I will spend this hour editing them onto photoshop and then for the next two lessons we are revising for the exam. I was planning to use this photo on my contents page but i dont think i will as it does not seem like something that would be on a rock magazine.
Monday, 15 April 2013
New Photos
I spent last lesson taking better photos of Liam, changing the photos on my magazine will make it look more authentic as thhey are a lot clearer. This lesson i will edit them and put them on my from cover, feature article and contents page. On my front cover the main photo is of Liam playing guitar, there is then a small image of two people near the top corner. On my feature article, there is a photo of Liam and a photo of Jen as the article is about them colaborating. My contents page also features one image on Liam, one of Jen and then another in the top corner, this was to make it look busier like Kerrang as that is my style model.
First day after Easter
Today i will be taking photos of Liam and replacing the ones i have, as the lighting in the pnes i am currently using is not great so it doesnt look like something that would be on a magazine. We are then going to talk about how we will write the evaluation. I have wrote down different questions to answer in my evaluation on a word document so when i come to write it, it will be tidy and i can post each part on my blog.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Easter Holidays
I was at school the second tuesday of the holidays to hand in some English coursework so i also altered some of my feature article for my magazine. as when i was reading through it i seen that when i transformed the interview onto photoshop, it had missed out some of the text. I also changed some of the contents page as i changed the font and the size of the writing as it was too big and made it look messy. On the first Monday back i will take a new photo of Liam in my free lesson and replace it as the one i am currently using isnt very good quality.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
resit revision
Today i have been looking through old revision notes as i am resitting the exam to try and improve my grade from a C. I have been looking at practice essays that i have done also and reminding myself of definitions such as conergence and synergy. I am also going to look at how different films such as Spiderman used things such as convergence and viral marketing etc to make profits from the film. This week i will also practice a few textual analysis on topics such as representations of sex, gender etc, in the first exam we had to talk about the representation of age so i dont think we will get that one again but i will still practice it incase.
Friday, 5 April 2013
Easter Holidays
Today i have looked at past blogs and other peoples work to compare mine and to see what i can improve on. I have also read through some blogs of people who are in my class so i can see where i should be up to and how i am doing. I am happy with my front cover, i think it is the strongest out of the three pieces but i still need to change the main image to a clearer one. I am also going to change the layout of my contents page so it looks tidier and more authentic. I need to change the size of the page on photoshop for my feature article but other than that i am done with the article.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Today is our last lesson before we break up for easter, i will be finishing my contents page by making a few changes to the layout so it looks tidy and making sure it looks like my style model. Throughout the holidays i will take more pictures of Liam so i can improve my work, the image is the only thing i need to change on my front cover and then i am completely done with that.
Monday, 25 March 2013
Feature Article
Last lesson i copied my feature article onto photoshop and added another image of Liam to it. Ive kept the house style as the background is black and the writing red. The feature article includes an interview with the two artists and talking about how they are collaborating.
This is the image i am adding to my feature article.
This is the image i am adding to my feature article.
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