Tuesday, 30 April 2013


This is my contents page, however, i would like to add more in my free time so i can get a higher grade.

Improved article

This is my final article put i need to edit around the photo of Jen more because when i put it full size it looks a little messy.

This is my improved final article as i have added another picture of Jennifer as she in also in the article. When i only had one image of Liam in my article, it didnt look authentic and it looked too plain, using Jen has made it look more realistic.

Article part 2

This is a factfile of the artist in my magazine.

Article part 1

This is the first part of my final article, i have give some background information and then an interview. I will post the nex page on my next post.

Front Cover

This is my final piece for my front cover.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

contents page

I have changed the layout of my contents page so it looks less messy. I have set it out all in blocks rather than scattered all over the page. I have changed the two photos i used and i think it looks far better and will hopefully get me a better grade. Im going to spend this lesson looking through my photos i have took to see what i can use for my feature article, i took a few new photos so i will try them on photoshop and see which one looks the most authentic.

Monday, 22 April 2013


After Wednesdays lesson, i took photos of Jen for my feature article and contents page. She was holding a guitar in some images. I took a few photos when she wasnt expecting it and they are actually better than some of the posed ones. I will spend this hour editing them onto photoshop and then for the next two lessons we are revising for the exam. I was planning to use this photo on my contents page but i dont think i will as it does not seem like something that would be on a rock magazine.

Monday, 15 April 2013

New Photos

I spent last lesson taking better photos of Liam, changing the photos on my magazine will make it look more authentic as thhey are a lot clearer. This lesson i will edit them and put them on my from cover, feature article and contents page. On my front cover the main photo is of Liam playing guitar, there is then a small image of two people near the top corner. On my feature article, there is a photo of Liam and a photo of Jen as the article is about them colaborating. My contents page also features one image on Liam, one of Jen and then another in the top corner, this was to make it look busier like Kerrang as that is my style model.

First day after Easter

Today i will be taking photos of Liam and replacing the ones i have, as the lighting in the pnes i am currently using is not great so it doesnt look like something that would be on a magazine. We are then going to talk about how we will write the evaluation. I have wrote down different questions to answer in my evaluation on a word document so when i come to write it, it will be tidy and i can post each part on my blog.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Easter Holidays

I was at school the second tuesday of the holidays to hand in some English coursework so i also altered some of my feature article for my magazine. as when i was reading through it i seen that when i transformed the interview onto photoshop, it had missed out some of the text.  I also changed some of the contents page as i changed the font and the size of the writing as it was too big and made it look messy. On the first Monday back i will take a new photo of Liam in my free lesson and replace it as the one i am currently using isnt very good quality.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

resit revision

Today i have been looking through old revision notes as i am resitting the exam to try and improve my grade from a C. I have been looking at practice essays that i have done also and reminding myself of definitions such as conergence and synergy. I am also going to look at how different films such as Spiderman used things such as convergence and viral marketing etc to make profits from the film. This week i will also practice a few textual analysis on topics such as representations of sex, gender etc, in the first exam we had to talk about the representation of age so i dont think we will get that one again but i will still practice it incase.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Easter Holidays

Today i have looked at past blogs and other peoples work to compare mine and to see what i can improve on. I have also read through some blogs of people who are in my class so i can see where i should be up to and how i am doing. I am happy with my front cover, i think it is the strongest out of the three pieces but i still need to change the main image to a clearer one. I am also going to change the layout of my contents page so it looks tidier and more authentic. I need to change the size of the page on photoshop for my feature article but other than that i am done with the article.