Monday, 17 December 2012
Band Of Brothers
Last week we watched an extract of Band Of Brothers and had to write an essay on how technical codes represent authority. Different technical codes represented different authority. Camera angles played a major role in presenting authority as the low angles showed who had the most power. Other technical codes such as mise-en-scene played a large role in presenting authority by things such as the outfits they are wearing etc. Today we watched the same extract and talked about what we wrote and what we could improve on, this helped a lot as i need to improve on the amount i write about how editing presents certain things because i find that the hardest technical code to write about. We also looked and another pupils work and said what was good about it and what he can improve on. Looking at other peoples work helps me do better because i can see how to improve my own work and how to approach different technical codes.
Monday, 10 December 2012
Slumdog Millionaire presentation
The website for Slumdog Millionaire uses interactive flash features on the opening page, this shows new technology. Technology is improving rapidly in the media industry. It also has the theme of 'Who Wants To Be A Miliionaire' to match the plot of the film as he is on the show. The website also has links to other pages, this is viral marketing to attract a wider audience. They have a twitter account which allow fans to get more information on the film. Viral marketing has a huge impact on the success of a film as it can be promoted massively by good comments on the internet or it could have negative effects as one persons opinion on a film could effect other peoples choices to see the film. There are also activties on the website, this allows the audience to become more involved in the film as they can play games involving the characters and the plot of the film etc. Interviews of the cast and crew are available on the website too which will also make the audience feel more involved as they can see how the film was produced. As this film is no longer showing at the cinema, the website has a promotion for the dvd and bluray. This will help the film do well after it has been shown at the cinema.
This is is my powerpoint Slumdog Millionaire.
This is some work i done on Amber Films.
This is is my powerpoint Slumdog Millionaire.
This is some work i done on Amber Films.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Today we have looked at some information on Slumdog Millionaire, and how it appeals to different audiences and different cultures. I am now making a powerpoint on what i find out from my searches. Slumdog will appeal to different audiences as it varies in culture- it has the Indian music but it has the British TV show which is Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. This will attract different cultures as a well known show is a major part of the film but there is also Indian dancing etc which will appeal to the Indian culture.
Finishing Spiderman Powerpoint
On Monday i finished my Spiderman powerpoint presentation by adding information about the viral marketing, because i was finished i then began to find out information about Amber Films, i am yet to include this in my powerpoint. I didnt know that there was a film production company based in Newcastle. In the future i would like to be involved with film and production, so it was good to know that there is a one nearby. I researched Amber Films and found out about the films they have made and ones they are currently making. I also seen that there are ways on the website to help raise money to have a better production.
This is my powerpoint on Spiderman.
This is my powerpoint on Spiderman.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Presentation continued
Today i am adding to my powerpoint presentation about synergy, vertical and horizontal integration. I will revise more whilst i am doing this so i can get used to the different media terminology for the exam. i am now finding information about convergence and how it was used for the Spiderman movie. I researched the production of Spiderman and how it has made profits by things such as convergence, the working with other companies, game sales, and action figures etc. I am also looking into how viral marketing can advertise the movie and how. i am finding the viral marketing section the easiest. It is things such as how social networking sites etc can help promote films and how audiences can comment on the internet about their view on the film and how this can effect other peoples choices on whether to see the film at the cinema or not. Also, YouTube, this posts things such as teasers of the films, trailers, and cast interviews which will make the audience feel more involved in the film. When i have finished my presentation i will upload it onto my blog.
Analysis of past essays
In our last lesson we had time to read examples of past essay questions and answers. We had to read through what strengths they had and what they could improve on. This helped me get a better idea of the types of questions that i will get in the exam and how we can answer them as i have never had a media exam before due to not taking media at GCSE. We then had to wright down what we think we can improve on and what we are already comfortable with. I feel most comfortable with mise-en-scene and different camera angles as i can pick up on them the easiest whilst watching a clip. I find that i can write the most about them. However, I feel like i need to use more media appropriate language as i tend to use simplistic language as i have only just started media and need to get used to the specific languange. I also feel i need to improve on editing as i can never find much to write about it, i need to think about the different kinds of editing and how things such as the shot length can present different things.
Monday, 26 November 2012
Beginning the presentation
Today we had to make a powerpoint presentation on Synergy, Vertical Integration and Horizontal Intergration, i mentioned the advantages and the disadvantages and also how it worked for the Spiderman film. I looked at how Sony and Warner Bros owns more companies and how Warner Bros used to own cinemas around the UK. Since i did not do media technology for GCSE i dont know a great deal of media terminology so i have made sure to put detail in my powerpoint and make it easy to use for revision for when i begin to revise for the exam. I have also done some research on the different film companies and how they worked together to promote the film further and how they can make better profits because of it.
Monday, 12 November 2012
Moses Jones
We had to watch a clip from Moses Jones and wright an essay on how it represents race. There are a lot of things that contribute to the way they persue different races. Things such as camera angles makes the white man in the office look more powerful that the black man as it shows him from a low angle. Also, the reflection from the glass makes it look like there is a seperation between them. The jobs that they have make the white men look supirior to the black men also by the clothes they are wearing- they look better off.
Whilst the men in the morgue pull out the body, the camera shakes which makes it more realistic, also the body is pulled straight to the centre of the screen, purely for the shock. The white men seem to look down on the black mans body during this clip as it shows them from a low angle, this shows disrespect.
It is also edited to show that the people in the morgue are included with the people in the office from cutting from the body, to a picture of the body. This is to show that the stories are linked.
Whilst the men in the morgue pull out the body, the camera shakes which makes it more realistic, also the body is pulled straight to the centre of the screen, purely for the shock. The white men seem to look down on the black mans body during this clip as it shows them from a low angle, this shows disrespect.
It is also edited to show that the people in the morgue are included with the people in the office from cutting from the body, to a picture of the body. This is to show that the stories are linked.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Blog Evaluation

Showed understanding of conventions of layout and page
Showed awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text
size. Used language and register accurately.
Used ICT appropriately for the task set.
Appropriately integrating illustration and text.
Shot a variety of material appropriate to the task set.
Manipulated photographs as appropriate to the context for
presentation, including cropping and resizing.
19/20 research and planning
Planned and researched evidence is complete.
There is excellent research into similar products and a
potential target audience.There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.
There is excellent work on shot lists, layouts, drafting,
scripting or storyboarding.
There is a good level of care in the presentation in the
presentation of the research and planning.
Time management could be improved.
20/20 evaluation
Excellent skill of using appropriate digital technology or
ICT in the evaluation.
Excellent understanding of issues around audience,
institution, technology, representation, forms and conventions in relation to production.
Excellent ability to refer to the choices made and outcomes.
Excellent understanding of their development from preliminary to full task.
Excellent ability to communicate.

55/60 for construction
Produced material appropriate for the target audience and
Showed awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size.
Used language and register accurately.
Used ICT appropriately for the task set.
Didn’t use appropriate integrating illustration and text.

Didn’t shoot a variety of material appropriate to the task set.
Manipulated photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing.
17/20 research and planning
Planned and researched evidence is complete.
There is decent research into similar products and a
potential target audience.
There is decent organisation of actors, locations, costumes
or props.
There is decent work on shot lists, layouts, drafting,
scripting or storyboarding.
There is a good level of care in the presentation in the
presentation of the research and planning.
Time management is good.
Decent understanding of issues around audience, institution,
technology, representation, forms and conventions in relation to production.
Decent ability to refer to the choices made and outcomes.
Decent understanding of their development from preliminary to
full task.
Decent ability to communicate.
35/60 for construction
Produced material appropriate for the target audience and
Shows a poor understanding of conventions of layout and page
design.Showed awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size.

Used ICT appropriately for the task set.
Didn’t use appropriate poorly, integrating illustration and text.
Shoot a poor variety of material appropriate to the task set.
Manipulated photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing.
Planned and researched evidence is complete.
There poor research into similar products and a potential
target audience.There is poor organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.
There is poor work on shot lists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.
There is a decent level of care in the presentation in the presentation of the research and planning.
Time management is good.
14/20 Evaluation
Decent skill of using appropriate digital technology or ICT
in the evaluation.
Decent understanding of issues around audience, institution,
technology, representation, forms and conventions in relation to production.Decent ability to refer to the choices made and outcomes.
Decent understanding of their development from preliminary to full task.
Decent ability to communicate.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
School Magazine Contents Page
This is the contents page to my school magazine. i have used the same colour palette as i have on the front cover to retain a recognisable house style. I have also tried to use a range of fonts, but not too many so it doesnt look too childish. I have used the Twitter and Facebook logos also to show that you can read about it online.
Monday, 1 October 2012
School Magazine Front Cover

This is my School Magazine front cover. We had a task to make a cover and contents page. I chose to say that Andy Brown was in X Factor and how the music department supported him. I also wrote about the head of English and how she planned to raise the schools grades. I used the school colours for the magazine cover, i have also used a dominant image in the centre, these are typical magazine conventions. I kept the colour scheme the same on the contents page to create a house style for the magazine.
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